[명산ㆍ계곡] 토함산((Mt. )Tohamsan)
  • 등록일1999-01-07
  • 작성자 / 안**
  • 조회12824
경상북도 경주시와 월성군에 접한 해발 745m의 비교적 낮은 산이나 신라의 얼이 깃든 영산으로 일명 동악(東岳)이라 불리우는 태백산맥 끝자락에 위치한다.
정상부에는 석굴암이 있고 기슭에는 불국사가 울창한 송림에 싸여있다. 천년고도를 자랑하는 경주는 옛 화랑도의 연병장으로 쓰였던 현재의 황성공원과 계림, 서출지, 포석정지, 여근곡, 옥산서원, 기림등지와 많은 능주변의 숲이 신라정서의 심오한 경지와 감회를 느끼게 한다.

(Mt. )Tohamsan is not a high mountain with the elevation of only 745m, extending to boundaries of Gyeongju-si and Woelsung-gun in the Gyeongsangbuk-do. But this mountain has cherished the spirts of Shilla-dynasty and is located at the ending point of (Mt. )Taebaeksan range that has been called as (Mt. )Tongaksan, meaning East Mountain. At its summit there is Seokgulam cave and Bulkuksa(temple) surrounded by thick pine forest is located at the foot of the mountain. Around Kyungju-si that is famous for the ancient capital city of shilla-dynasty, there are so many historic sites including present Hwangsung park that was the training field for Hwarang-do cardets, Kyerim forest, Seochulji and Poseokjungji ponds, Yeokeunkok(valley), Oksanseowon learning center, and Kirim forest. Also there are many old huge tombs of Shilla-dynasty kings and royal families that are usually surrounded by lavish forests, which in addition to other forests shows the deep spiritual inspirations and nostalgia of ancient Shilla-dynasty.
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